Wednesday 10 February 2016

The project 'EU/UN Human Rights for All' is a joint initiative of four UN agencies - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Office of High Commissionaire on Human Rights (OHCHR) and International Labour Organization (ILO) with UNDP.

This project is funded by the European Union based on the Financing Agreement on 'Human Rights for All ' signed between Georgia and the European Union in May 2015.

This project responds to the objectives set out therein, and namely seeks to strengthen human-rights protection in areas prioritized by EU-Georgia agreements, including the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups, internal and external oversight of law enforcement, labour rights, protection of privacy, freedom of expression and information. The project will mainly support the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan in selected areas prioritized by the EU-Georgia agreements.

Accordingly the overall objective of this project is to enhance capacities of government institutions and Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues and improve mechanisms for better protection of human rights in Georgia.

The specific objective is to enhance capacity for more effective government institutions, mechanisms and Parliamentary Committees (on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues) in implementing the National Human Rights Strategy (NHRS) and its Action Plan (AP), in areas prioritised by the EU-Georgia agreements.

This Joint Project (JP) will have the following results/outputs:

Developed capacities of the NHRSAP Inter-Agency Council and its Secretariat in policy making, implementation and monitoring of the NHRS and AP;
Increased public awareness on NHRSAP (including its implementation) and Georgia-European Union (EU) common values as well as promotion of a culture of human rights in Georgia in general;
Strengthened capacities of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector to monitor protection of personal data;
Establishment and effective functioning of labour administration and industrial relations institutions and procedures;
Developed capacities of governmental stakeholders regarding the advancement of childcare and protection systems of poorest children;
Strengthened capacities of the Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues;
More effective investigation mechanisms on violations committed by law-enforcement officers.
To accomplish the above activities, the project will partner with the following institutions: NHRSAP Inter-Agency Council and its Secretariat, the Personal Data Protection Inspector, government institutions on labour and child care, Public Defender (Ombudsperson), the Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues, and the Judiciary through the High School of Justice and law-enforcement authorities, as well as high education institutions and media.

One of the objectives of the project is to provide technical and administrative support to the functioning of Inter-Agency Council for NHRSAP (IACHR) and its Secretariat.

The Government set up an Inter-Agency council for NHRSAP (IACHR) that leads coordination of implementation and monitoring of the NHRSAP. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister and co-chaired by the head of the state chancellery and composed of the respective Ministers/deputy ministers. The Secretariat of the IACHR set up at the Government's Administration coordinates and facilitates the work and operation of WGs. The Secretariat is also responsible for drafting action plans for implementation of NHRS.

In 2014 NHRSAP 2014-2015 was drafted. The Secretariat is drafting a new action plan for 2016-2017. Even though NHRSAP 2014-2015 did not contain financing arrangements for the specific activities it is planned to introduce financial aspects in NHRSAP 2016-2017 and fully align it with BDD.

UNDP will support the Secretariat in developing financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017 through three consultants - 2 consultants and 1 team leader/consultant.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant who will work under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator is expected to:

Support the IACHR to develop relevant financial part of NHRSAP(s) for 2016-2017 (NHRSAP for 2016-2017 is being drafted by the Secretariat. Therefore it is impossible to distribute the chapters among consultants. In total three consultants (including team leader) will be hired. The Contract with the hired consultant will specify the list of chapters assigned to the consultant);
Coordinate the work of 2 financial consultants working on development and/or evaluating financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017;
Agree the working time-line of the Team (Team Leader and 2 financial experts) with the Programme Coordinator and the Secretariat;
Develop and/or evaluate financial part of selected chapters of NHRSAP 2016-2017 in close cooperation and consultation with Secretariat and relevant stakeholders in line with international human rights standards;
Conduct consultations with responsible agencies concerning the evaluation of financial aspects of each activity in NHRSAP for 2016-2017;
Review the contribution of other financial consultants (financial parts of selected chapters of NHRSAP 2016-2017);
Prepare and submit the final draft of financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017;
Develop final report on the activities of the Team.

Core Competencies:

Demonstrated commitment to UNDP's mission, vision and values;
Sensitivity and adaptability to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age;
Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.
Functional Competencies:

Excellent communication skills (spoken, written and presentational);
Good interpersonal skills and ability to work in and with teams;
Ability to set priorities and manage time effectively;
Experience working as a manager.
Required Skills and Experience


Master's degree in financing and/or economics (minimum qualification requirement: 10 points).

Strong expertise and minimum seven years of extensive experience in the area of budgeting (minimum qualification requirement: 7 to 10 years - 7 points; more than 10 years - 10 points);
Experience in budgeting related to mid-term activities, preferably for government agencies (15 points);
Experience in developing budget/financial calculations for Action Plans (15 points).
Language Requirements:

Good English skills (both written and verbal);
Excellent Georgian language skills (both written and verbal).
Evaluation: Individual consultants will be evaluated based on cumulative analysis method. Offerors will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria - to 30. Offerors that do not meet Minimum Qualification requirements will be automatically rejected, while the rest will form up the long list. The offerors who obtain minimum 35 points as a result of the desk review will be invited for the interview. Offerors who surpass min 70% threshold for the maximum obtainable scores (i.e. 49 points) under technical evaluation will be requested the financial proposal.

Financial Proposal: The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount. Maximum 30 points will be assigned to the lowest price offer. All other price offers will be scored using the formula (inverse proportion): Financial score X = 30* the lowest price offer/suggested price offer.


Financial calculations of agreed (to be specified upon signature of the contract) Sections of NHRSAP for 2016-2017;
Report on the activities of the Team containing information on accomplishments and scope of work as well as respective recommendations.
Management arrangements: IACHR Secretariat will be responsible for assisting the Local Consultant in acquiring relevant documentation, data and evidence and assist in organizing meetings with relevant government agencies, if requested. UNDP PCU will be, providing office and arrangement of logistical issues.

Timeframe of the evaluation process: The entire assignment will be undertaken during March 2016-May 2016.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact