Friday 1 January 2016

World Bank Recruitment - Research Analyst

World Bank. Innovation and partnership bond the five institutions of the World Bank Group (WBG): the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), which together form the World Bank; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The World Bank Group is one of the world's largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. It uses financial resources and extensive experience to help our client countries to reduce poverty, increase economic growth, and improve quality of life. To ensure that countries can access the best global expertise and help generate cutting-edge knowledge, the World Bank Group is constantly seeking to improve the way it works. Key priorities include delivering measurable results, promoting openness and transparency in development, and improving access to development information and data. 
DECPG. DECPG provides timely analysis on global economic and financial developments, and their impact on the member countries of the WBG. Internally, it informs and helps define the policy narratives as well to provide technical support to WBG operations. Externally, DECPG is also expected to influence global policy debates. In fulfilling this objective, DECPG leads the WBG’s monitoring, analyzing, and forecasting work in three main areas: global macroeconomics, WBG’s twin goals of ending poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity, as well as the MDGs and migration and remittance flows. 

DECPG produces topical and policy-oriented analytical work as well as operational outputs. It produces two flagship reports: Global Economic Prospects (GEP; semi-annual) and GMR. It also produces the Commodity Markets Outlook each quarter. DECPG produces working papers, policy notes, board papers, and research publications in scientific journals, conference volumes, and book chapters.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 3 year term appointment.

Duties and Accountabilities:

Under the direction of the DECPG Management Team, the Research Analyst will work closely with DECPG staff in the following areas: 

• Research, assemble, and manipulate data for regular products of the Global Macro Team (Global Economic Prospects, the Commodities Market Outlook, Global Monthly/Weekly/Daily), and for one-off research projects. 

• Provide econometric support for DECPG products. 

• Provide input and quality control for the websites for the Global Economic Outlook and Commodity Market Outlook. 

• Use and maintain DECPG’s high-frequency data system and its macroeconometric model. 

• Communicate with DECPG Management on work status, foreseeable problems, and processes. 

• Provide regular feedback to the team leader on challenges in data management and document production.
 Selection Criteria:
• MA/MA or BA/BS with minimum of 2 years relevant experience in Economics, Statistics, or related field. 

• Familiarity with sources, statistical methods, and concepts for macroeconomic, financial, commodity market or other economic data. 

• Data management, visualization, analysis, and reporting. Ability to interpret and communicate statistical information in a clear and analytically rigorous manner. 

• Attention to detail and can be relied on to complete task requiring competency to the Bank standard. 

• Drive for Results—Able to take personal ownership and accountability to meet deadlines and achieve agreed-upon results, and has the personal organization to do so. Ability to work in a fast-paced, changing environment handling multiple simultaneous tasks. 

• Knowledge, Learning and Communication—Actively seeks knowledge needed to complete assignments and shares knowledge with others, communicating and presenting information in a clear and organized manner. 

• Teamwork and Inclusion—Ability to work effectively in a team-oriented, multi-cultural environment. Able to collaborate with other team members and contribute productively to the team's work and output, demonstrating respect for different points of view. Able to use strong interpersonal and teamwork skills to cultivate effective, productive client relationships and partnerships across organizational boundaries, to generate excitement and momentum around the Bank’s data activities.
Click the link below to apply: