Sunday 21 February 2016

Business Development Manager

WTS Energy is looking for a Business Development Manager to join their team in Jordan for a long term contract. An ideal candidate would be someone who is a bilingual speaker, Arabic & English, with minimum 3 years’ experience in a business development field, among which at least one year in a supervisory position.

Duties & Responsibilities:
Participating in the development of strategies and objectives of the company.
Developing and managing the execution of short term plans for implementing the approved objectives.
Flourishing suggestions and recommendations that would enable a more effective and efficient work flow.
Monitoring the work flow within the department and ensuring that all preventive and corrective actions are being made promptly.
Developing managerial and technical circulars within the department towards the achievement of the set plans and objectives.
Conducting periodic meetings with subordinates regarding work priorities and ensuring work is flowing smoothly.

Executive & Technical Duties:
Managing various business development activities for the new and existing operations of the company.
Contributing in developing the strategies, policies and objectives of the Business Development Department.
Implementing and developing short and medium action plans and setting the programs that will achieve the objectives of the department.
Establishing and maintaining new business relationships and strategic partnerships with Oil & Gas and Energy companies.
Keeping up to date with any changes in the markets.
Initiating business strategies and coordinating actions to influence the market.
Clarifying goals and reaching agreement maintaining the interests of all parties.
Providing suggestions and advice regarding strategic development of the BD Department role and providing suggestions and advice relating to the department decisions and various actions plans and submitting them to senior management.

Executive & Technical Duties:
Setting the technical and administrative circulars, that would enhance the implementation of adopted plans and programs.
Leading and participating in the screening, identification, preliminary technical evaluation and recommendation of new business opportunities to in-license or acquire technologies, specialty products.
Participating in the due diligence and opportunity assessment of each new project.
Holding periodic meetings with subordinates to ensure the proper prioritization of work and reprioritizing all activities as required and to ensure that the work is continuing as it should be.
Following-up a reliable license plan in line with the approved strategic objectives of the company and approved by the concerned departments.
Handling and communicating continuously with WTS Energy partners regarding the development of business and products.
Reviewing the license contracts and joint venture contracts and manufacturing of current and future products contracts in order to develop the business of the company globally.
Taking decisions and responsibilities in all matters related to the business development, such as product selection and products to be licensed through the identification of new
Patents and work on a clear and accurate action plan.

Minimum 3 years’ experience in a business development field, among which at least one year in a supervisory position.
Education Level:
B.Sc. Degree
Professional Knowledge:
Market data handling & analysis
General Financial Knowledge
Agreements types
Training Required
Training courses in Managerial and Leadership Skills
Advanced training courses in Negotiation Skills and Interpersonal Skills
Training courses in Time Management
Training courses in Presentation Skills