Thursday 25 February 2016

Natural Gas Power Expert Needed At Nexant, Abuja

Nexant is a globally recognized software, consulting and services leader that provides innovative solutions to utilities, energy enterprises, chemical companies and government entities worldwide.
Founded in 2000 and headquartered in San Francisco, Nexant and its 650+ employees work from 32 global offices providing deep technical expertise and regional knowledge to improve customer engagement, boost operational efficiency, reduce costs and achieve superior business results.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Natural Gas Power Expert - Power Africa Transactions & Reforms Program (PATRP)

Location: Abuja, Nigeria

About the Job

Nexant, Inc. - a US Government services contractor - seeks a Natural Gas Power Expert to serve as a long-term resident in Abuja, Nigeria for the Power Africa Transactions & Reforms Program (PATRP), the contractor enabling partner for the US Government’s Power Africa Initiative in sub-Saharan Africa.
The country needs to formulate a comprehensive framework to create a realistic, credible, and clearly defined long-term strategy to recover and monetize flared gas and use it to supply gas-fired power plants to generate electricity for the country. But the lack of gas transmission infrastructure causes many of the power plants to operate at low utilization rates, so the Government’s generation expansion plan is challenging due to lack of the ability to transmit gas to power plants.
The country’s gas and power regulatory authorities also need capacity building assistance to improve their organizational structures, policies, and procedures--including their oversight and regulatory capacity.
This $64 million, 5 year technical assistance project is designed to bring more electricity to sub-Saharan African via a deal / transaction-centered approach.
The Power Africa initiative seeks to shift the typical international development paradigm to a transaction-centered approach that provides host country governments in sub-Saharan Africa, the private sector, and international donor agencies with a focal point to galvanize collaboration around priority electricity generation, transmission, and distribution transactions - with a focus on those that involve private sector participation and finance-helping to bring them to financial close and online in an expedited time frame.
Nigeria is a priority country for Power Africa. Natural gas supplies the fuel for most of Nigeria’s power generating capacity and thus is a very important part of that country’s energy mix. While seemingly abundant supplies of natural gas exist in the country, its lack of gas gathering, processing, and transportation infrastructure has severely hampered the county’s ability to capitalize on this important power generation fuel source. Second only to Russia, Nigeria ranks next for unnecessarily flaring associated gas, a byproduct of the country’s significant oil production.
Duties and Responsibilities

Gas Flaring:
Examination of Alternatives for Reducing Gas Flaring & Increasing Associated Gas Utilization:
Examine other worldwide examples of successful gas flaring reduction and utilization programs in Russia, Oman, etc.
Evaluate techniques to reduce gas flaring such as the imposition of penalties, revocation of operating licenses, liberalization of associated gas prices, granting preferred access to the electricity grid for power generated from gas flaring projects, encouragement for establishing joint ventures among firms to share infrastructure, policy incentives to promote new technologies and provide tax relief for new associated gas projects, and joint implementation projects for flare gas use under the Kyoto Protocol to provide financial incentives for companies to invest in associated gas utilization projects.
Examine the technical and economic feasibility of current gas flaring capture and utilization projects in Nigeria (Shell, etc.) and how expertise can be applied to other gas flaring and utilization projects
Recommend a comprehensive policy, legal, and regulatory framework-through a combination of punitive sanctions and incentives to reduce gas flaring and profitably utilize associated gas -to address associated gas flaring levels and its commercial utilization
Locations & Uses of Flared Gas:
Examine and rank primary locations of flared gas activities and their suitability for end uses (quality of gas, current infrastructure, likely end uses)
Recommend improvements to and costs of additional gas infrastructure that would bring the gas on-shore (if applicable), clean and process it, and distribute it to end-users
Examine local markets and uses for the gas, including the prices that can be obtained
Identify which power plants could use the gas for the generation of electricity (methane), as well as other uses such as LPG, CPG, NGLs, fertilizers, etc.
Provide Transaction Support to Attract Private Investment:
Conceptualize and structure gas capture, processing, transportation, and end use projects
Assist in raising finance from international strategic and financial investors for these projects
Advise on the bank-ability of the schemes proposed by local and international investors, including investors prequalification requirements and the assessment and valuation of proposals
Develop & Administer Capacity Building Programs:
Develop and administer capacity building programs - transfer of technical, financial, and commercial expertise - to plan and implement activities associated with reducing gas flaring and efficiently managing the associated gas sector via seminars, workshops, and tutoring
Assist the government conduct fair and open bidding processes, including determining lease sale terms and conditions and proper evaluation of bid adequacy
Develop policies to promote fair and open competition in awarding of licenses and transparency in contracting

Analyze contracts and contracting methods
Advise on international best practices with respect to gas contracts and Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs)
Provide advice on supervising, monitoring, and auditing of operator performance under signed contracts with the host government
Gas Policy, Laws, Contracting, & Regulations:
Assist in developing national gas policies and laws
Advise on international best practices with respect to legal, policy, and regulatory regimes governing the gas sector
Provide advisory assistance on offshore unitization of resources and trans-boundary resource management
Provide assistance in regulatory management and oversight
Provide technical and policy advice regarding the use of gas resources domestically versus their value as export commodities
Gas Resources:
Establish and/or manage a system for data management and analysis
Conduct geologic modelling and geophysical data interpretation
Conduct appraisals of oil & gas property (prospect and block evaluation)
Provide advice and guidance on gas reservoir management
Advise on the management of national gas resources using databases, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), decision tools, and data analysis
Provide assistance with reserve and resource estimation
Health, Safety, & Environment (HSE):
Provide environmental management expertise and built capacity in host-country institutions to effectively deal with environmental issues
Develop, implement, and monitor environmental regulations
Develop a process to conduct safety inspections
Provide advice on sector oversight, including the preparation of remediation, restoration, and abandonment plans
Assist and provide advice on environmental analyses, which included the following:
Environmental and social impact assessments,
Onshore and offshore environmental analysis,
Consultations with local stakeholders,
Air and noise monitoring
Assessment of best environmental management practices, and
Mitigation and monitoring plans
Advise on Equator Principles compliance audits to assess environmental and social risk in project finance transactions.
Capacity Building:
Build technical capacity of staff in oil & gas policy development, sector management, and oversight, including:
Sector research and analysis,
Issue identification,
Policy formulation and analysis,
Monitoring and evaluating, and
Impact assessments
Organize roundtables, workshops, site visits, and other forms of training for technical and policy staff to support engagement objectives, and established information and professional networks and partnerships among these parties
Identify capacity constraints and staff needs of relevant units
Promote effective public participation and stakeholder engagement
Strengthen the governance capacity and capability of key government organizations to plan, integrate, and to sustainably provide services.
Provide recommendations to improve government access to individuals with technical skills in the sector, and advised government staff to improve access to training and educational opportunities.
Bachelor's or Master's (preferred) in a related topic
At least 10 years’ experience-including in developing countries-in origination, structuring/execution and post-deal maintenance of various natural gas power sector transactions
Extensive experience in power sector reform issues in the developing world
Experience in the natural gas power sector in Nigeria or West Africa is a plus.
Remuneration and Benefits (U.S.)
Nexant offers competitive salaries based on candidate's qualifications. Nexant also offers three weeks paid vacation per year, eleven paid holidays per year, a 401(k) plan with employee matching funds and an overall comprehensive benefits package.

Click here to apply