Friday 12 February 2016

Jobs at UNICEF

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - In September 2014 UNICEF began implementing a joint programme with UN Women on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) funded by the European Union (EU). The programme will support the Nigerian Government (Federal level), three Northern
Nigerian States namely Adamawa, Gombe and Plateau and selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) to strengthen women’s leadership, advance gender equality and improve protection for women and children in conflict settings.

UNICEF is responsible for implementation of Component 2 of the programme, namely ‘to increase access to reporting mechanisms and protective services for girls and women affected by human rights abuses, including gender based violence, in 3 states of northern Nigeria”. This will entail enhancing avenues for reporting of child rights violation and Gender Based Violence in Plateau and Gombe States, strengthening access to and quality of services for children and women who have experienced violence (including gender based violence (GBV), abuse, neglect and exploitation and strengthening the information management system for collecting data on violations.

We are recruiting to fill the position of:

Job Title: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist (#96939)

Job Number: 494060
Location: Ondo
Work Type : Fixed Term Staff
Level: National Professional (NO-C)
Contract Type: Fixed Term
Duration: Two years

Purpose of the Position
To ensure that the UNICEF Country Office has useful, valid and reliable information on the situation of children's and women's rights; the performance of UNICEF-supported programmes including their relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability, and in emergency contexts, their coverage, coordination and coherence.
To work within the UN country team to support UNCT goals for delivering valid and reliable information on the attainment of the MDGs and other goals, and on the performance of UN-supported programmes.
To assist in the establishment of a monitoring an evaluation tools which enhance partnership between the UNCT, government and other key players to collectively track progress on MDGs and other international commitment for children.
To assist in the development of national capacities for monitoring, evaluation and research, with special attention to the interest, concern and participation of government, community, and civil society stakeholders.
Key Expected Results
Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Planning: The Country Office and national partners have a well-prioritised and realistic plan of research, monitoring and evaluation activities, developed collaboratively that provides all the relevant and strategic information needed to manage the Country Programme.
Situation Monitoring and Assessment: A collectively Situation Monitoring and Assessment system owned by all key partners is in place, trough which the Country Office and national partners have timely and accurate measurements of change in conditions of children, women, and their families in the country or region; this information is available to facilitate planning and measure program impact.
Programme Performance Monitoring: The planning function of the Country Office has quality information collected and disseminated with the participation of all concerned partners to assess progress towards expected annual and multi-year results.
Evaluation: UNICEF-supported evaluations attain established UN quality standards, and the results are disseminated in a timely fashion to stakeholders for improving programme performance and contributing to national and corporate learning.
M&E Capacity Building: The monitoring and evaluation capacities of Country Office staff and national partners - government and civil society - enhanced with the contribution of UNICEF knowledge partners meet the expectations and requirements of their positions and responsibilities.
Coordination and Networking: The UNICEF office is linked to wider UNICEF M&E developments in way that both contributes to and benefits from organizational learning on effective M&E management.
Key Accountabilities and Duties & Tasks

Integrated Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Plan (IMEP)
Ensure that the Country Office and national partners use a well-prioritised and realistic plan of research, monitoring and evaluation activities that will provide the most relevant and strategic information to manage the Country Programme, including tracking and assessing UNICEF's distinct contribution.
Duties & Tasks:
Make professional contributions to and provide technical assistance for the planning and establishing the major research, monitoring and evaluation objectives, priorities, and activities in UNICEF's multi-year and annual IMEPs, in consultation with child-rights and implementing partners.
Likewise, support the development of UNDAF M&E Plans from a sound results-based programming process.
Identify the M&E objectives, priorities, and activities required for effective CO and partner Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans,
In humanitarian response situations, within the first month, draft and recommend a simple one-month data-collection plan to cover key data gaps as required for the initial emergency response, working in close collaboration with the humanitarian clusters partners.
After the initial humanitarian response, support management of the medium-term response with a revised IMEP.
Situation Monitoring and Assessment
Ensure that the Country Office and national partners have timely and accurate measurement of change in conditions in the country or region, including monitoring of socio-economic trends and the country's wider policy, economic or institutional context, to facilitate planning and to draw conclusions about the impact of programmes or policies.

Duties & Tasks:
In coordination with other stakeholders, support the collection of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and other key social development indicators (through MICS or other surveys) to improve national planning.
Support partners in the establishment and management of national statistical databases (e.g., DevInfo), ensuring that key indicators are readily accessible by key stakeholders. Potential uses include the Situation Analysis, Common Country Assessment, Early Warning Monitoring Systems, and Mid-Term Reviews.
Develop a collectively Situation Monitoring and Assessment system owned by all key partners which supports the preparation of country level statistical and analytic reports on the status of children's and women's rights issues; and which allow, when opportunities emerge to influence developmental and social policies. To include technical support to global reporting obligations including national reports on progress toward the MDGs, and toward CRC and CEDAW fulfilment.
In humanitarian response situations, provide professional support for one or more rapid assessments (inter-agency or independently if necessary) to be carried out within the first 48-72 hours, working in close collaboration with the humanitarian clusters partners.
Programme Performance Monitoring
Ensure that the Country Office has quality information to assess progress towards expected results established in annual work plans.

Duties & Tasks:
Provide technical support to ensure that a set of programme performance indicators is identified and adjusted as necessary, with inputs of all concerned partners in the context of the multi-year and annual IMEPs, the Annual Management Plan and Annual Work Plans, as outlined in the Programme Policy and Procedures Manual).
Coordinate with partners to ensure that monitoring systems are properly designed, and that data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardised across programmes to feed into to programme performance monitoring, with special attention to humanitarian response.
Drawing on monitoring and analysis of key program performance and management indicators, provide professional input to management reports, including relevant sections of the annual reports.
Ensure that UNICEF-supported evaluations are designed and implemented to established UN quality standards, and the results are disseminated in a timely fashion to stakeholders in order to improve programme performance and contribute to wider learning.

Duties & Tasks:
Technically support programme partners to formulate Terms of Reference and evaluation designs of high quality, when relevant drawing on the know-how of knowledge institutions, in compliance with the organization's programme evaluation policies and guidelines..
Monitor and ensure the quality of the field work and data management during the implementation phase, and the quality of the analysis and ease of understanding during the report writing phase.
Disseminate evaluation findings and recommendations to the intended audiences in user-friendly methods. In particular, to ensure that effective participatory feedback is provided to community and civil society stakeholders.
Monitor and ensure that a management response to the findings and recommendations of the evaluation is completed, recorded, and followed up for implementation. Most specifically, ensure that evaluation recommendations are submitted to the Country Management Team and follow-up actions recorded in CMT minutes. Submit electronic copies of all evaluations to NYHQ via the Evaluation Data Base web portal, with full accompanying documentation.
M&E Capacity Building
Ensure that the monitoring and evaluation capacities of Country Office staff and national partners - government and civil society - are strengthened enabling them to increasingly engage in and lead monitoring and evaluation processes.

Duties & Tasks
Promote the awareness and understanding of the shared responsibility of M& E function among all staff members through communication, training, learning and development activities organization-wide.
In close collaboration with partners, ensure that an M&E capacity building strategy for UNICEF/UN staff national partners and institutions exists in the context of the IMEP, or UNDAF M&E plan.
Pay particular attention so the capacity needs of national partners such as professional evaluation associations will be strengthened by involvement in evaluation processes and possibly through specific capacity building initiatives.
Collaborate to implement capacity building strategies as a joint commitment with other developmental partners. Utilize a range of appropriate skills building strategies including self-learning, seminars and workshops and practical experience in order that UNICEF and UN staff have the basic knowledge and skills in understanding and applying new M&E policies, tools, methods to fulfil their responsibilities. Similarly, design and implement strategies suited to the skills needs of national partners.
Actively seek partnerships with knowledge institutions for the identification of capacity gaps and development of strategies to address them.
Coordination and Networking
Ensure that the UNICEF office is effectively linked to wider UNICEF M&E developments in a way that both contributes to and benefits from organizational learning on effective M&E management.

Duties & Tasks
Collaborate with Regional M&E Advisers and HQ Evaluation Office for overall coordination of priority research, monitoring and evaluation activities, especially those of regional scope requiring the coordinated effort of multiple countries.
Partner with the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser to ensure that current and accurate M&E data and results are included in regional reports, multi-country studies, and knowledge sharing networks.
Undertake lessons-learned reviews on successful and unsuccessful M&E practices and experience at the national level, and ensure they are shared as appropriate. Similarly, pay attention to M&E knowledge networks to identify innovations and lessons learned that may be relevant for the CO and partners to improve their M&E function.
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, Statistics, Planning Development, Planning.
Professional work experience in programme development and implementation including monitoring and evaluation activities as follows:
Five years of relevant professional work experience. field work experience
At least one instance of exposure to emergency programming, including preparedness planning. Active involvement in a humanitarian crisis response programme preferred.
Fluency of the local language of the duty station as well as proficiency in English.
Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core Values:
Diversity and Inclusion
Core competencies:
Working with People.
Drive for Result.
Functional Competencies:
Leading and Supervising.
Formulating Strategies and Concepts.
Applying Technical Expertise.
Planning and Organizing.
Technical Knowledge
Specific Technical Knowledge Required:
Knowledge of Project Evaluation.
Professional technical knowledge/expertise in Evaluation Process Management, Follow-up on Recommendations and Dissemination of M&E results.
Emerging international good practice in monitoring and evaluation partnerships.
Common Technical Knowledge Required:
Professional technical knowledge/expertise in demography, statistics, and data management.
Professional technical knowledge/expertise in methodology of M&E, including theories, standards and models, quantitative/qualitative/mixed methods, validity/reliability testing of data, data analysis and interpretation, and statistical inference methods.
Professional technical knowledge/expertise in Activity Monitoring & Evaluation, Evaluation Design, data analysis, and reporting.
Gender equality and diversity awareness
Technical Knowledge to be Acquired/Enhanced:
Professional/technical knowledge/expertise in Team Management, Coaching & Training.
Mastery of UNICEF's M&E policies and procedures.
Latest programme monitoring and evaluation theory, methodology, technology and tools.
Understanding of UN Mission and system, current key UN topics; and International Code of Conduct.
Understanding of UNICEF Mission Statement and UNICEF Guiding Principles.
UNICEF strategic framework for partnerships and collaborative relationships.

Job Title: Social Policy Officer (#96893)

Job Number: 494059
Location: Rivers
Work Type : Fixed Term Staff
Level: National Professional (NO-C)
Contract Type: Fixed Term
Duration: Two years

Purpose of the Position
Accountable for effective engagement in social policy dialogue with the Government for programme development, advocating for increased public resource allocation and budgeting towards the social sector and sustainable decentralization of social services and local capacity building in support of the goal of universal coverage of essential social services and the creation of a protective environment for children. Conducts data collection and analysis to fill information gaps and to strengthen capacity for advocacy for children's rights, and to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.

Key Expected Results
Constructive dialogue and partnerships are established between international and local social policy stakeholders, to provide effective protective environment for the most vulnerable children, including progressive compliance of principal policy documents and legislation regarding all aspects of child rights.
Current information on state budget and spending patterns and decentralization status of social services are monitored and updated on an on-going basis to support advocacy for decentralization and universal coverage of essential services.
Decentralization of social services is made sustainable through adequate local support, keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective. Programme plans of action are developed for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; coordination between sectors are increased and links between different levels of government structures for policy implementation are strengthened.
Data-driven analysis is provided for effective prioritization, planning, development, and results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Gender/sex aggregated data and inputs provided, relevant to the Social Policy programme.
Advocacy efforts are effectively made to raise awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, and to ensure local buy-in and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Effective partnerships with the Government and other agencies established to enable sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Millennium Development Goals for continuing worldwide progress of the UNICEF mission.
UNICEF social policy programme effectively planned, implemented and administered in support of the country programme.
Key Accountabilities and Duties & Tasks
Social Policy Dialogue and Programme Development:
Provides professional assistance in UNICEF's engagement in social policy dialogue and development with the Government, maintains constructive dialogue and partnerships between international and local stakeholders to support the development of social policies and programmes contributing to the progressive realization of children's rights and strengthening of implementation and monitoring mechanisms at all levels of society, and ensures that the services reach out in innovative, effective ways to those most vulnerable pockets of children and families that have been previously left out.
Promotes the advocacy for juvenile justice reform, supports child rights-based reviews of national, provincial and local legislation, in close consultation with community-level structures and supports the health and education sectors and the social welfare system for children.
Monitoring State Budget Resources:
Monitors and updates current information on state budgeting and spending patterns for social programmes and decentralization status of social services on an on-going basis to support advocacy for greater public resources and budget allocation for social development, the prioritization of resource allocation for children, and universal coverage of essential services for children, to ensure that they reflect the best interest of children.
Sustainable decentralization and capacity building:
Where the national decentralization process is taking place, collaborates with the central and local authorities to assist in planning, policy discussion and service delivery closely responding to the needs of local communities.
Provides on-going support in making decentralization sustainable through adequate local support while keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective.
Collaborates with the central and local authorities to strengthen community-based capacity on quality data collection, analysis for policy development, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring of social policy and programmes.
Provides professional assistance in the development programme plans of action for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; supports to strengthen coordination between sectors and between different levels of government structures for policy implementation.
Data collection, analysis and results-based approach:
Collects systematically qualitative data for the sound and up-to-date assessment of the situation of children and women to provide the base-lines for result-based decisions on interventions and evaluations. Provides technical support for the development of information systems for monitoring child rights indicators, with emphasis on community and child participation.
Provides timely, regular data-driven analysis for effective prioritization, planning, and development; facilitates results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Support maintenance of information system for monitoring gender/sex disaggregated data.
Contributes to the analysis of the macroeconomic context of social policy programmes and its impact on social development, emerging issues and social policy concerns, as well as implications for children, and proposes and promotes appropriate responses in respect of such issues and concerns, including government resource allocation policies and the effect of social welfare policies on the rights of children.
Advocacy and communication:
Promotes and raises awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, effective information dissemination, mass media campaign, special events, and other means, to ensure local buy-in, commitment, and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Contributes to the establishment and enhancement of effective partnerships with the Government, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, civil society and local leaders, the private sector, and other UN agencies to support sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and to achieve global UN agendas such as the Millennium Development Goals and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.
Identifies other critical partners, promotes awareness and builds capacity of partners, and actively facilitates effective collaboration within the UN family.
UNICEF Programme Management:
Supports and contributes to effective and efficient planning, management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the country programme.
Ensures that the social planning project enhances policy dialogue, planning, supervision, technical advice, management, training, research and support; and that the monitoring and evaluation component strengthens monitoring and evaluation of the social sectors and provides support to sectoral and decentralized information systems.
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
University degree, preferably advanced university degree or equivalent background, in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, International Finance, public relations, media, communication, or other relevant disciplines.
Two years of relevant professional work experience.
Field work experience
Background/familiarity with Emergency.
Fluency of the local language of the duty station as well as proficiency in English.
Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core Values:
Diversity and Inclusion
Core Competencies:
Working with People
Drive for Results
Functional Competencies:
Formulating Strategies and Concepts
Applying Technical Expertise
Learning and Researching
Planning and Organizing
Technical Knowledge
Specific Technical Knowledge Required:
Knowledge of donor country's economic and political situation.
Expertise to leverage UNICEF's competitive advantage.
Expertise to deploy networking and mass media for fundraising and special events.
Common Technical Knowledge Required:
Understanding of UNICEF programmatic goals, visions, positions, policies and strategies (MDGs, UNDAF, HIV/AIDS, WFFC, MTSP, etc.)
Understanding of Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming.
Understanding of UN mission and system; and International Code of Conduct.
Gender equality and diversity awareness
Technical Knowledge to be Acquired/Enhanced:
Knowledge of UNICEF's financial regulations and rules, fundraising manual and fundraising strategy.
Understanding of government policies, guidelines, legislation, and strategies related to fundraising.
Understanding of UNICEF programme policies, goals, strategies, guidelines and approaches related to programme funding activities.
UNICEF policies, strategies promoting and supporting gender equality and diversity.

Job Title: Social Policy Officer (#96890 & #96891)

Job Number: 494057
Location: Abuja
Work Type : Fixed Term Staff
Level: National Professional (NO-C)
Contract Type: Fixed Term
Duration: Two years
Slot: 2

Purpose of the Position
Accountable for effective engagement in social policy dialogue with the Government for programme development, advocating for increased public resource allocation and budgeting towards the social sector and sustainable decentralization of social services and local capacity building in support of the goal of universal coverage of essential social services and the creation of a protective environment for children. Conducts data collection and analysis to fill information gaps and to strengthen capacity for advocacy for children's rights, and to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.

Key Expected Results
Constructive dialogue and partnerships are established between international and local social policy stakeholders, to provide effective protective environment for the most vulnerable children, including progressive compliance of principal policy documents and legislation regarding all aspects of child rights.
Current information on state budget and spending patterns and decentralization status of social services are monitored and updated on an on-going basis to support advocacy for decentralization and universal coverage of essential services.
Decentralization of social services is made sustainable through adequate local support, keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective. Programme plans of action are developed for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; coordination between sectors are increased and links between different levels of government structures for policy implementation are strengthened.
Data-driven analysis is provided for effective prioritization, planning, development, and results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Gender/sex aggregated data and inputs provided, relevant to the Social Policy programme.
Advocacy efforts are effectively made to raise awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, and to ensure local buy-in and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Effective partnerships with the Government and other agencies established to enable sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Millennium Development Goals for continuing worldwide progress of the UNICEF mission.
UNICEF social policy programme effectively planned, implemented and administered in support of the country programme.
Key Accountabilities and Duties & Tasks
Social Policy Dialogue and Programme Development:
Provides professional assistance in UNICEF's engagement in social policy dialogue and development with the Government, maintains constructive dialogue and partnerships between international and local stakeholders to support the development of social policies and programmes contributing to the progressive realization of children's rights and strengthening of implementation and monitoring mechanisms at all levels of society, and ensures that the services reach out in innovative, effective ways to those most vulnerable pockets of children and families that have been previously left out.
Promotes the advocacy for juvenile justice reform, supports child rights-based reviews of national, provincial and local legislation, in close consultation with community-level structures and supports the health and education sectors and the social welfare system for children.
Monitoring State Budget Resources:
Monitors and updates current information on state budgeting and spending patterns for social programmes and decentralization status of social services on an on-going basis to support advocacy for greater public resources and budget allocation for social development, the prioritization of resource allocation for children, and universal coverage of essential services for children, to ensure that they reflect the best interest of children.
Sustainable decentralization and capacity building:
Where the national decentralization process is taking place, collaborates with the central and local authorities to assist in planning, policy discussion and service delivery closely responding to the needs of local communities.
Provides on-going support in making decentralization sustainable through adequate local support while keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective.
Collaborates with the central and local authorities to strengthen community-based capacity on quality data collection, analysis for policy development, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring of social policy and programmes.
Provides professional assistance in the development programme plans of action for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; supports to strengthen coordination between sectors and between different levels of government structures for policy implementation.
Data collection, analysis and results-based approach:
Collects systematically qualitative data for the sound and up-to-date assessment of the situation of children and women to provide the base-lines for result-based decisions on interventions and evaluations.
Provides technical support for the development of information systems for monitoring child rights indicators, with emphasis on community and child participation.
Provides timely, regular data-driven analysis for effective prioritization, planning, and development; facilitates results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Support maintenance of information system for monitoring gender/sex disaggregated data.
Contributes to the analysis of the macroeconomic context of social policy programmes and its impact on social development, emerging issues and social policy concerns, as well as implications for children, and proposes and promotes appropriate responses in respect of such issues and concerns, including government resource allocation policies and the effect of social welfare policies on the rights of children.
Advocacy and communication:
Promotes and raises awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, effective information dissemination, mass media campaign, special events, and other means, to ensure local buy-in, commitment, and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Contributes to the establishment and enhancement of effective partnerships with the Government, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, civil society and local leaders, the private sector, and other UN agencies to support sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and to achieve global UN agendas such as the Millennium Development Goals and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.
Identifies other critical partners, promotes awareness and builds capacity of partners, and actively facilitates effective collaboration within the UN family.
UNICEF Programme Management:
Supports and contributes to effective and efficient planning, management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the country programme.
Ensures that the social planning project enhances policy dialogue, planning, supervision, technical advice, management, training, research and support; and that the monitoring and evaluation component strengthens monitoring and evaluation of the social sectors and provides support to sectoral and decentralized information systems.
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
University degree, preferably advanced university degree or equivalent background, in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, International Finance, public relations, media, communication, or other relevant disciplines.
Two years of relevant professional work experience.
Field work experience
Background/familiarity with Emergency.
Fluency of the local language of the duty station as well as proficiency in English.
Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core Values:
Diversity and Inclusion
Core Competencies:
Working with People
Drive for Results
Functional Competencies:
Formulating Strategies and Concepts
Applying Technical Expertise
Learning and Researching
Planning and Organizing
Technical Knowledge
Specific Technical Knowledge Required:
Knowledge of donor country's economic and political situation.
Expertise to leverage UNICEF's competitive advantage.
Expertise to deploy networking and mass media for fundraising and special events.
Common Technical Knowledge Required:
Understanding of UNICEF programmatic goals, visions, positions, policies and strategies (MDGs, UNDAF, HIV/AIDS, WFFC, MTSP, etc.)
Understanding of Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming.
Understanding of UN mission and system; and International Code of Conduct.
Gender equality and diversity awareness
Technical Knowledge to be Acquired/Enhanced:
Knowledge of UNICEF's financial regulations and rules, fundraising manual and fundraising strategy.
Understanding of government policies, guidelines, legislation, and strategies related to fundraising.
Understanding of UNICEF programme policies, goals, strategies, guidelines and approaches related to programme funding activities.
UNICEF policies, strategies promoting and supporting gender equality and diversity.

Job Title: Social Policy Officer (494058)

Job Number: 494058
Location: Ondo
Work Type : Fixed Term Staff
Level: National Professional (NO-C)
Contract Type: Fixed Term
Duration: Two years

Purpose of the Position
Accountable for effective engagement in social policy dialogue with the Government for programme development, advocating for increased public resource allocation and budgeting towards the social sector and sustainable decentralization of social services and local capacity building in support of the goal of universal coverage of essential social services and the creation of a protective environment for children.
Conducts data collection and analysis to fill information gaps and to strengthen capacity for advocacy for children's rights, and to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.

Key Expected Results
Constructive dialogue and partnerships are established between international and local social policy stakeholders, to provide effective protective environment for the most vulnerable children, including progressive compliance of principal policy documents and legislation regarding all aspects of child rights.
Current information on state budget and spending patterns and decentralization status of social services are monitored and updated on an on-going basis to support advocacy for decentralization and universal coverage of essential services.
Decentralization of social services is made sustainable through adequate local support, keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective. Programme plans of action are developed for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; coordination between sectors are increased and links between different levels of government structures for policy implementation are strengthened.
Data-driven analysis is provided for effective prioritization, planning, development, and results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Gender/sex aggregated data and inputs provided, relevant to the Social Policy programme.
Advocacy efforts are effectively made to raise awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, and to ensure local buy-in and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Effective partnerships with the Government and other agencies established to enable sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Millennium Development Goals for continuing worldwide progress of the UNICEF mission.
UNICEF social policy programme effectively planned, implemented and administered in support of the country programme.
Key Accountabilities and Duties & Tasks
Social Policy Dialogue and Programme Development:
Provides professional assistance in UNICEF's engagement in social policy dialogue and development with the Government, maintains constructive dialogue and partnerships between international and local stakeholders to support the development of social policies and programmes contributing to the progressive realization of children's rights and strengthening of implementation and monitoring mechanisms at all levels of society, and ensures that the services reach out in innovative, effective ways to those most vulnerable pockets of children and families that have been previously left out.
Promotes the advocacy for juvenile justice reform, supports child rights-based reviews of national, provincial and local legislation, in close consultation with community-level structures and supports the health and education sectors and the social welfare system for children.
Monitoring State Budget Resources:
Monitors and updates current information on state budgeting and spending patterns for social programmes and decentralization status of social services on an on-going basis to support advocacy for greater public resources and budget allocation for social development, the prioritization of resource allocation for children, and universal coverage of essential services for children, to ensure that they reflect the best interest of children.
Sustainable decentralization and capacity building:
Where the national decentralization process is taking place, collaborates with the central and local authorities to assist in planning, policy discussion and service delivery closely responding to the needs of local communities.
Provides on-going support in making decentralization sustainable through adequate local support while keeping decentralized services both accessible and effective.
Collaborates with the central and local authorities to strengthen community-based capacity on quality data collection, analysis for policy development, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring of social policy and programmes.
Provides professional assistance in the development programme plans of action for children at provincial and district/municipality levels; supports to strengthen coordination between sectors and between different levels of government structures for policy implementation.
Data collection, analysis and results-based approach:
Collects systematically qualitative data for the sound and up-to-date assessment of the situation of children and women to provide the base-lines for result-based decisions on interventions and evaluations. Provides technical support for the development of information systems for monitoring child rights indicators, with emphasis on community and child participation.
Provides timely, regular data-driven analysis for effective prioritization, planning, and development; facilitates results-based management for planning, adjusting, and scaling-up specific social policy initiatives. Support maintenance of information system for monitoring gender/sex disaggregated data.
Contributes to the analysis of the macroeconomic context of social policy programmes and its impact on social development, emerging issues and social policy concerns, as well as implications for children, and proposes and promotes appropriate responses in respect of such issues and concerns, including government resource allocation policies and the effect of social welfare policies on the rights of children.
Advocacy and communication:
Promotes and raises awareness on children's rights with both the general public and with policy makers, effective information dissemination, mass media campaign, special events, and other means, to ensure local buy-in, commitment, and continued relevance of UNICEF programming.
Contributes to the establishment and enhancement of effective partnerships with the Government, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, civil society and local leaders, the private sector, and other UN agencies to support sustained and proactive commitment to the Convention of the Rights of the Child and to achieve global UN agendas such as the Millennium Development Goals and the World Fit for Children (WFFC) agenda.
Identifies other critical partners, promotes awareness and builds capacity of partners, and actively facilitates effective collaboration within the UN family.
UNICEF Programme Management:
Supports and contributes to effective and efficient planning, management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the country programme.
Ensures that the social planning project enhances policy dialogue, planning, supervision, technical advice, management, training, research and support; and that the monitoring and evaluation component strengthens monitoring and evaluation of the social sectors and provides support to sectoral and decentralized information systems.
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
University degree, preferably advanced university degree or equivalent background, in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, International Finance, public relations, media, communication, or other relevant disciplines.
Two years of relevant professional work experience.
Field work experience
Background/familiarity with Emergency.
Fluency of the local language of the duty station as well as proficiency in English.
Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core Values:
Diversity and Inclusion
Core competencies:
Working with People
Drive for Results
Functional Competencies:
Formulating Strategies and Concepts
Applying Technical Expertise
Learning and Researching
Planning and Organizing
Technical Knowledge
Specific Technical Knowledge Required:
Knowledge of donor country's economic and political situation.
Expertise to leverage UNICEF's competitive advantage.
Expertise to deploy networking and mass media for fundraising and special events.
Common Technical Knowledge Required:
Understanding of UNICEF programmatic goals, visions, positions, policies and strategies (MDGs, UNDAF, HIV/AIDS, WFFC, MTSP, etc.)
Understanding of Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming.
Understanding of UN mission and system; and International Code of Conduct.
Gender equality and diversity awareness
Technical Knowledge to be Acquired/Enhanced:
Knowledge of UNICEF's financial regulations and rules, fundraising manual and fundraising strategy.
Understanding of government policies, guidelines, legislation, and strategies related to fundraising.
Understanding of UNICEF programme policies, goals, strategies, guidelines and approaches related to programme funding activities.
UNICEF policies, strategies promoting and supporting gender equality and diversity.

Apply here

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Jobs For Pharmacists At Gilead Pharmaceutical Limited

Gilead Pharmaceutical Limited, is currently seeking to employ suitably qualified candidates, to fill the positions below:

Job Title: Quality Assurance Pharmacist
Location: Lagos
Role / Descriptions
As a Quality Assurance Pharmacist you are responsible of the quality processes especially in API according to CROs
Preparation and implementation of SOPs
Document management and change control management.
Responsible for employee trainings
Competence for internal and external audits, as well as their proper implementation
Responsibility for the complaint management in GMP.
Responsible for all relevant process optimizations and validation
Degree in Pharmacy preferred
1-3 years professional experience in the pharmaceutical Industry
Good knowledge in GMP
Experienced in all EDV-Systems
Excellent English skills in speaking and writing
Flexible and a team player.

Job Title: Graduate Clinical Data Specialist
Location: Lagos
Job Description
To manage the design, development, testing and support of data gathering and data processing systems / tools
To provide training and support on data capture and processing tools.
To monitor and manage the quality of data tools and systems.
To capture, process and collate data for use in databases
To generate reports using database and assist in their analysis.
Candidate Requirements
A Bachelors Degree in a IT based subject
Excellent communication skills (both written and oral)
A concern for quality, attention to detail and accuracy
Ability to analyse and think logically
Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment
Good working knowledge of Excel
Knowledge of database systems
Not essential but any experience with Visual Basic, Web application development would be advantageous.
Good organizational and administrative skills

Job Title: Pharmacy Technician

Location: Lagos

Job Description
Manufacturing chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and antibiotic pharmaceuticals in a clean-room environment using barrier isolator technology in accordance with procedures and regulations;
Operation of gas sterilization units for the sterilization of isolators;
Environmental monitoring of the clean-room facility;
Assisting in process and equipment validation in accordance with procedures and regulations;
Observation and active promotion of Good Manufacturing Practices;
Liaising with Customer Services and Warehousing on goods inwards and delivery related issues;
Facility Monitoring (fridges, isolator physical parameters, pressure differentials, incubators);
Stocking and maintenance of changing rooms and other ancillary areas;
Stock maintenance in Grade D preparation areas;
Tray assembly (assembly of products required for manufacture);
Tray assembly checking (verification of assembled items for manufacture);
Transfer sanitization to Grade D and Grade C clean-rooms;
Cleaning of isolators, integrity checking and pressure gauge checking;
Transfer sanitization into Isolators
Volume and in-process checking;
Environmental monitoring of isolators;
Liaising with the Quality department on quality-related issues including maintaining and development of GMP within the manufacturing area.
Qualifications and Experience
Diploma or Degree in Science or a Healthcare-related discipline;
Previous experience in a GMP healthcare production environment or experience of aseptic pharmaceutical production gained in a hospital or industrial setting.
Experience working in a clean room environment
Experience working as part of a team in a fast paced environment

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidate should forward their CV's to:

Note: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Application Deadline  30th March, 2016.

Building Construction Job In An International Electromechanical Company

Aldelia - Our client, an international electromechanical company, is looking to fill the position below:

Job Title: QHSE Manager - Building Construction

Location: Lagos

Job Description
Interested candidate will be responsible to enforce corporate safety and health policies and procedure.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Assist in the development of the project safety program.
Establish and conduct jobsite orientation for every new employee for the project and administer and record their participation in the orientation program and issue identification to those employees completing the orientation program.
Attend all initial meetings with the Project Staff and Subcontractor representatives to clearly define their role within the confines of the Project Safety Program.
Conduct and document preplanning safety meetings with each subcontractor safety representatives and/or foremen to establish safety procedures prior to subcontractor’s activity on site.
Establish and conduct regular (weekly) safety meetings with subcontractor representatives and issue minutes of meeting and interface with Project Staff and each Subcontractor Safety Representatives relating to safety regulations to ensure proper compliance.
Ensure that Subcontractors are conducting the proper training requirements as per the OSHA standards. If necessary, facilitate training for site personnel for compliance with Federal and State standards.
Ensure and maintain a log of each subcontractor’s toolbox safety meetings held with their employees.
Review each Subcontractors Safety Program and ensure that it meets or exceeds the project Safety Program requirements.
Assist Project Superintendent in establishing and implementing proper fire prevention, evacuation and fire control procedures.
Investigate all incidents and generate proper reports.
Establish and maintain all required job safety records.
Conduct a monthly overview safety meeting.
Attend Project Staff Meetings to brief the staff on safety issues on the project and coming from the company and to keep informed of the progress of the job.
Ensure that each Subcontractor designates a Safety Representative that is properly trained in the OSHA standards and that person is considered by OSHA standards, competent for the Subcontractors scope of work and has the proper authority to correct safety issues and hazards relating to their safety compliance. Receive the names of their competent person(s) for their specific work in writing and file.
Conduct regular (daily) jobsite and work area inspections. Conduct formal weekly jobsite inspections and complete the safety checklist noting safety violations and corrective actions.
Record, notify and prepare written report of any violations or unsafe practices to Subcontractors for immediate correction actions.
Stop at once any violation or unsafe practice.
Degree with professional training in Safety and Health or equivalent is a must .
Computer skills and familiarity with Microsoft Office suite programs.
Strong management, leadership and interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate well both verbally and in writing.
At least seven years of safety experience or combination of education/multiple years experience in building construction, with a working knowledge of safety/environmental principles and techniques.
Capable of identifying known/potential exposures and recommending corrective actions.

How to Apply
Interested candidate should send their resume to:

Note: Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.Candidates MUST have a background in building construction.

Application Deadline  12th February, 2016.

The project 'EU/UN Human Rights for All' is a joint initiative of four UN agencies - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Office of High Commissionaire on Human Rights (OHCHR) and International Labour Organization (ILO) with UNDP.

This project is funded by the European Union based on the Financing Agreement on 'Human Rights for All ' signed between Georgia and the European Union in May 2015.

This project responds to the objectives set out therein, and namely seeks to strengthen human-rights protection in areas prioritized by EU-Georgia agreements, including the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups, internal and external oversight of law enforcement, labour rights, protection of privacy, freedom of expression and information. The project will mainly support the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan in selected areas prioritized by the EU-Georgia agreements.

Accordingly the overall objective of this project is to enhance capacities of government institutions and Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues and improve mechanisms for better protection of human rights in Georgia.

The specific objective is to enhance capacity for more effective government institutions, mechanisms and Parliamentary Committees (on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues) in implementing the National Human Rights Strategy (NHRS) and its Action Plan (AP), in areas prioritised by the EU-Georgia agreements.

This Joint Project (JP) will have the following results/outputs:

Developed capacities of the NHRSAP Inter-Agency Council and its Secretariat in policy making, implementation and monitoring of the NHRS and AP;
Increased public awareness on NHRSAP (including its implementation) and Georgia-European Union (EU) common values as well as promotion of a culture of human rights in Georgia in general;
Strengthened capacities of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector to monitor protection of personal data;
Establishment and effective functioning of labour administration and industrial relations institutions and procedures;
Developed capacities of governmental stakeholders regarding the advancement of childcare and protection systems of poorest children;
Strengthened capacities of the Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues;
More effective investigation mechanisms on violations committed by law-enforcement officers.
To accomplish the above activities, the project will partner with the following institutions: NHRSAP Inter-Agency Council and its Secretariat, the Personal Data Protection Inspector, government institutions on labour and child care, Public Defender (Ombudsperson), the Parliamentary Committees on Human Rights and Civil Integration and on Legal Issues, and the Judiciary through the High School of Justice and law-enforcement authorities, as well as high education institutions and media.

One of the objectives of the project is to provide technical and administrative support to the functioning of Inter-Agency Council for NHRSAP (IACHR) and its Secretariat.

The Government set up an Inter-Agency council for NHRSAP (IACHR) that leads coordination of implementation and monitoring of the NHRSAP. The Council is chaired by the Prime Minister and co-chaired by the head of the state chancellery and composed of the respective Ministers/deputy ministers. The Secretariat of the IACHR set up at the Government's Administration coordinates and facilitates the work and operation of WGs. The Secretariat is also responsible for drafting action plans for implementation of NHRS.

In 2014 NHRSAP 2014-2015 was drafted. The Secretariat is drafting a new action plan for 2016-2017. Even though NHRSAP 2014-2015 did not contain financing arrangements for the specific activities it is planned to introduce financial aspects in NHRSAP 2016-2017 and fully align it with BDD.

UNDP will support the Secretariat in developing financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017 through three consultants - 2 consultants and 1 team leader/consultant.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant who will work under the supervision of the Programme Coordinator is expected to:

Support the IACHR to develop relevant financial part of NHRSAP(s) for 2016-2017 (NHRSAP for 2016-2017 is being drafted by the Secretariat. Therefore it is impossible to distribute the chapters among consultants. In total three consultants (including team leader) will be hired. The Contract with the hired consultant will specify the list of chapters assigned to the consultant);
Coordinate the work of 2 financial consultants working on development and/or evaluating financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017;
Agree the working time-line of the Team (Team Leader and 2 financial experts) with the Programme Coordinator and the Secretariat;
Develop and/or evaluate financial part of selected chapters of NHRSAP 2016-2017 in close cooperation and consultation with Secretariat and relevant stakeholders in line with international human rights standards;
Conduct consultations with responsible agencies concerning the evaluation of financial aspects of each activity in NHRSAP for 2016-2017;
Review the contribution of other financial consultants (financial parts of selected chapters of NHRSAP 2016-2017);
Prepare and submit the final draft of financial part of NHRSAP 2016-2017;
Develop final report on the activities of the Team.

Core Competencies:

Demonstrated commitment to UNDP's mission, vision and values;
Sensitivity and adaptability to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age;
Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.
Functional Competencies:

Excellent communication skills (spoken, written and presentational);
Good interpersonal skills and ability to work in and with teams;
Ability to set priorities and manage time effectively;
Experience working as a manager.
Required Skills and Experience


Master's degree in financing and/or economics (minimum qualification requirement: 10 points).

Strong expertise and minimum seven years of extensive experience in the area of budgeting (minimum qualification requirement: 7 to 10 years - 7 points; more than 10 years - 10 points);
Experience in budgeting related to mid-term activities, preferably for government agencies (15 points);
Experience in developing budget/financial calculations for Action Plans (15 points).
Language Requirements:

Good English skills (both written and verbal);
Excellent Georgian language skills (both written and verbal).
Evaluation: Individual consultants will be evaluated based on cumulative analysis method. Offerors will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 and for financial criteria - to 30. Offerors that do not meet Minimum Qualification requirements will be automatically rejected, while the rest will form up the long list. The offerors who obtain minimum 35 points as a result of the desk review will be invited for the interview. Offerors who surpass min 70% threshold for the maximum obtainable scores (i.e. 49 points) under technical evaluation will be requested the financial proposal.

Financial Proposal: The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount. Maximum 30 points will be assigned to the lowest price offer. All other price offers will be scored using the formula (inverse proportion): Financial score X = 30* the lowest price offer/suggested price offer.


Financial calculations of agreed (to be specified upon signature of the contract) Sections of NHRSAP for 2016-2017;
Report on the activities of the Team containing information on accomplishments and scope of work as well as respective recommendations.
Management arrangements: IACHR Secretariat will be responsible for assisting the Local Consultant in acquiring relevant documentation, data and evidence and assist in organizing meetings with relevant government agencies, if requested. UNDP PCU will be, providing office and arrangement of logistical issues.

Timeframe of the evaluation process: The entire assignment will be undertaken during March 2016-May 2016.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact

Jobs At Infranell System

Infranell System Limited is currently seeking to employ suitably qualified candidate to fill the position below:

Job Title: Administrative Officer / Account Officer
Location: Lagos
Minimum of OND/B.Sc/HND in Accounting, Social Science.
Must be computer literate, Admin experience.
Must be extremely fluent in English
Age between 23 - 30 years

Job Title: Marketing Executive
Location: Lagos
Minimum of OND/B.Sc/HND in Marketing.
Must be computer literate.
Must be extremely fluent in English and have a good Marketing skills.
Age between 23 - 35 years.

Job Title: Customer Care / Sales Representative Officer
Location: Lagos
Minimum of 'O' Level (SSCE) / OND.
Must be computer literate.
Must be extremely fluent in English and have a good Marketing skills.
Age between 23 - 30 years.

Job Title: Driver
Location: Lagos
Minimum of 'O' Level (SSCE) / OND.
Must have a valid drivers license.
Must be fluent in English.
Age between 30 - 45.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their application with two recent passport photograph and CV's to:

The Managing Director,
Infranell System Limited,
Jabita Hotel,
144, Awolowo Way,
Opposite Airport Hotel, Ikeja,
Lagos State.

Application Deadline  23rd February, 2016.

Job At JAGAL Group For A Legal Counsel

JAGAL Group is a leading Nigerian conglomerate with operations in the Oil & Gas, Construction and Manufacturing industries. The company has been growing successfully over the past 40 years, and has become a valuable and respected contributor to the development of the country's economy.

Jagal offers diverse career opportunities across all its business activities. The Group's broad range of industries and services offer rewarding prospects for various professional backgrounds and can satisfy ambitions for a successful future career.

JAGAL Group is  recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Legal Counsel

Location: Lagos
Reporting to: General Counsel

The Legal Counsel forms part of a structured legal department. The Legal Counsel will be required to provide legal advice to the various departments on a wide range of legal aspects.
The Legal Counsel will provide legal advice on Nigerian law and will ensure that Nigerdock does not contravene any laws in the execution of its projects, corporate policies and in particular, the legal liabilities, restrictions and obligations under the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Act (NEPZA) and the Regulations of the Snake Island Integrated Free Zone Regulations, 2012.
The Legal Counsel reports and coordinates the execution of his work with the Senior Counsel and General Counsel.
Key Aims and Objectives
To provide legal advice and attempt to mitigate legal risk to protect the Company.
Functional Competencies
Technical Expertise
Demonstrates a basic practical understanding of the risks associated with project execution documentation.
Ability to manage priorities, communicate effectively with employees in the various departments to ensure the legal aspects and concerns are identified and addressed.
Has knowledge of Nigeria laws, with a particular interest and practical experience in civil procedure, contract and construction law, administrative law, labour law and litigation.
Experience in solving conflicting priorities and objectively provide accurate and practical legal advice.
Prime Responsibilities and Duties
Support the Supply Chain and Commercial Departments in the negotiation, drafting, and execution of agreements and contracts.
Keep abreast of legislative changes that may affect the company and its affiliates.
Perform pre-litigation work to minimize risks and maximize legal rights.
Provide solutions to complex legal questions.
Judge the merits of court cases filed against or on behalf of the Company, work with the appropriate managers to define a strategic defense and approve settlements of disputes where warranted.
Advise Company on compliance with applicable Nigerian laws and regulations.
Assist in the management of all outside counsel.
Interface with outside legal counsel on behalf of the company.
Offer counsel on a variety of legal issues.
Advise management and work alongside employees in different business units.
Provide advice on legal risks and business terms of various deals.
Interpret and explain legislation, contract provisions and corporate policy.
Draft terms and conditions in agreements.
Research unique legal issues impacting the organization by identifying applicable statutes, judicial decisions, and codes.
Other Duties
To have an understanding of the implications of health and safety regulations.
Key Interfaces:
General Counsel and Commercial Director
Project Controls Managers
External law firms
Government agencies
Project Management Team members
Commercial Team members
Procurement Team members
Contracts Administration Team members
Job Requirements
The Person:
Holds a university LL.B Degree. An additional appropriate LLM degree will be an advantage.
At least 5 years’ experience in general law practice.
Demonstrate the ability to meet deadlines and produce quality complex work;
Must have good communication skills, deductive reasoning ability and ability to simplify complex legal issues; and
Ability to coordinate and interact with multi-national employees.
Team player.
Practical knowledge of contracts oil and gas projects;
Computer Literate – MS Project, MS Excel, MS Word, Outlook;
Good written and verbal English skills;
Effectively work under pressure in a team-oriented environment;
Apply here

GE Oil & Gas Vacancy in Port Harcourt for a Digital Solutions Services Manager

GE is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. Through our people, leadership
development, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for global customers by speaking the language of industry.

GE Oil & Gas is recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Digital Solutions Services Manager, Nigeria

Job Number: 2459907
Location: Port Harcourt
Business: GE Oil & Gas
Business Segment: OG-HQ Headquarters

Role Summary/Purpose
The Digital Solutions Services Manager has overall regional responsibility to lead the Bently Nevada, Control Solutions, Inspection Technologies and Measurement Solutions Services Teams across Sub Sahara Africa.
In this role, you will partner closely with the Sales, Commercial Operations, Project Management and functional teams to drive profitable growth, improve quality of execution and customer satisfaction while developing local talents for growth.
Essential Responsibilities
The Digital Solutions Services Manager demonstrates accountability for functional, business and broad company objectives.
In this role, you will integrate and develop processes that meet business needs across the organization, manage complex issues within functional area of expertise, be involved in long-term planning, and contribute to the overall business strategy across SSA.
Run the full operation of the Services function in the designated region
Be accountable for regional Services Operating plan for services sales, orders and Contribution Margins
Lead efforts on team development and the execution of the Services Growth Strategy
Stand responsible for building strong long term relationships with key customers / accounts
Lead complete field resources management efforts
Monitor and strive to maintain the planned assigned time of individual specialists and keep the unassigned time below the target by utilizing available resources to work on initiatives of improving productivity.
Be accountable for the NPS (net promoter score) of Services jobs and assign action items based on the feedback.
Ensure services quality standards including calibration of instruments are firmly adhered to.
Monitor quality of site communication and help team members in improving them
Create a culture and mechanism of sharing knowledge and best practices among the team members
Think ahead, prepare for the future, understand Digital Solutions direction, and work closely with Sales to bring solutions to solve customers’ problems.

Work closely with region Sales Leaders to ensure appropriate sales coverage and support opportunities to achieve the services orders plan for the region
Provide the operational leadership needed to drive profitable growth
Stand responsible for overall business management duties for assigned Field Services Engineers
Provide accurate and timely information to assigned personnel regarding salary planning, performance appraisals, and career coaching and disciplinary actions as needed.
Build and promote a strong and compliant EHS culture and monitor adherence to EHS policies by team members.
Identify the growth avenues for Services in the region by meeting customers, capturing the requirements and translating them in opportunities.
Supervise the quality of services deliverables and create processes to standardize them.
Provide continuous feedback to team members and facilitate improving their skills by nominating them for appropriate technical and soft skill trainings.
Minimum four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree from an accredited college or university (engineering discipline: Electrical, Instrumentation or Mechanical preferred)
Proven strong organizational, analytical, and problem solving abilities
Demonstrated solid understanding of basic financial concepts and metrics
Excellent written and oral English communication skills to convey technical concepts to business and technical personal.
Ability to surf through stressful working conditions and never lose sight on main goals.
Embrace Customer service mindset and leverage strong relationship and interpersonal skills.
Embody understanding of GE Beliefs and how they apply in a customer facing services team.
Solid computer skills on Microsoft applications
Must have valid authorization to work full-time without any restriction in Nigeria
A valid NYSC discharge or exemption certificate will be required (please indicate clearly on your resume)
Must have at least 10 years of post-qualification experience working in Energy, Power and/or Oil & Gas industries.
At least 3 years of experience in a management role.
Demonstrated deep technical domain expertise in the field of O&G Services.
Proven leadership skills in a matrix organization
Demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks swiftly and simultaneously and work with minimum direct supervision
Additional Eligibility Qualifications
Desired Characteristics:
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or physical science is preferred
Six Sigma training is preferred
Working knowledge of contract terms and conditions
Familiarity with project labor and material quoting tools
Ability to build trust by respecting the ideas and contributions of everyone
Strong oral and written communication skills
Strong interpersonal and leadership skills
Strong business acumen and commercial savvy
Ability to manage effectively in a dynamic and fast-paced environment
Strong customer service mindset
Effective team contributor and member
Ability to energize teams through inclusiveness and connection with people
Apply here

Graduate Internship Programme at VoguePay, Lagos, as the leading online payment processor whose vision is to offer buyers and sellers a secure and easy-to-use means of transacting business online.

VoguePay is recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Intern

Location: Lagos

Job Description
VoguePay requires application from suitably qualified candidates for a six (6) month Internship in various disciplines (including Marketing and Digital Media Strategy).
The successful candidates will be:
Passed through an intensive 6 months on-the-job training on Marketing, Business Developer and Digital media strategy.
Passed through the VoguePay personal development plan and mentoring program.
Paid a token as transport rebate for the internship training period.
Selected for full employment on the VoguePay Team at the end of the program.
We expect the ideal candidate to have:
First degree in any discipline with at least second class honours.
Good attention to details, critical reasoning and problem solving skills.
Must be smart and fast thinking with a good knowledge of advanced computer use.
Excellent Communication Skills
Good Analytic and Reporting Skills

Interested and qualified candidates should send their resume to: with the mail subject “VPIP 0216”.

GE Intern Opportunities

GE Nigeria works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works.

We're looking for high potential 2nd to 4th year students to fill the position of:

Job Title: GE EID Intern

Job Number: 2487247
Location: Calabar
Business: GE Global Growth Organization
Business Segment: Global Growth Organization - Africa

Role Summary/Purpose
An internship at GE enables you to interact with innovators in your field whilst being mentored by leaders who will develop your potential through hands-on experience that will equip you with the right skills in your chosen career field.
The vast majority of our graduate hires into our leadership development programs were interns with us first!
Essential Responsibilities
Candidates undertake challenging work activities in their area of discipline under close supervision; network with peers, colleagues and leadership; undertake basic training and development and receive formal developmental feedback.
The 12-month internship program combines hands-on experience with training to equip participants with the tools and knowledge to embark on a GE career.
Excellent 'people' skills and phone conversation skills
Proficiency in Excel,
Prior Experience using preferred but not required
Business, Engineering or Communications Major preferred; others considered
Above Average Grade Performance in College
Additional Eligibility Qualifications
Desired Characteristics:
Above Average Grade Performance in College - Proficiency in Excel.
Click here to apply

Jobs At John Snow Incorporated

John Snow, Inc. (JSI) is a US-based international public health consulting firm that manages projects/contracts in Nigeria through its integrated office in Abuja. Through the Partnership for
Supply Chain Management consortium, JSI implements the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) project for the US Government as part of the US Presidents Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PSPFAR). The purpose of the project is to establish and operate a safe, secure, reliable and sustainable supply chain management system to procure pharmaceuticals and other products needed or the care and treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS and related infections.

JSI implements the USAID I DELIVER project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a global technical assistance project aimed at increasing the availability of essential health supplies through procurement services and assistance designed to strengthen health commodity supply chains in developing countries.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Field Supply Chain Operations Consultant

Location: Abuja

Key Responsibilities
Ensure adherence to Good Distribution and Warehousing Practices at the state/phase level, in supply chain operations (warehousing operations in both government owned and contracted 3PL warehouses). At the state/ phase level, serve as a lead in the coordination of commodities handling (receipt, delivery to health facilities or dispatch to other locations outside the state) and to ensure appropriate and timely refill of facility commodities based on approved delivery orders shared by Field Program Management Department (approved by the SCOD Abuja office) for all programs for both USAID DELIVER PROJECT and SCMS.
Collect agreed data for use in monitoring the supply chain operations of third party logistics service providers (contracted warehousing and transportation 3PLS) and government owned warehouses to ensure that standard practices and appropriate procedures (for warehousing, distribution and especially inventory management) are maintained.
Provide feedback to 3PLs and government officials in the warehouse on performance and areas of improvement in the warehousing, inventory and distribution activities in their warehouses.
In collaboration with resident field staff, provide technical support to ensure that health facilities supported by all programs for both SCMS & USAID DELIVER PROJECT receive adequate supply of needed health commodities.
Coordinate distribution/transportation operations to health facilities, within the agreed lead time ensuring operations are concluded as stipulated in work orders or service level agreements.
Carry out inspection of vehicles, ensuring that vehicle mobilized by 3PLs are suitable. appropriate and are up to the quality stipulated in the contracts/work orders for the provision of transportation services.
For PMI commodities, coordinate and supervise the pick, pack and dispatch (PPD) of commodities during LMDs (based on approved LMD orders from the SCOD Abuja Office) at originating warehouse:
Issue the correct quantities of the commodities to the transporter.
Closely monitor the performance and adherence to the terms of the work orders of the 3PLs and provide daily updates (using iaily update template for both DDIC and/or non-DDIC LMD5) to the Phase team lead and the SCOD Abuja Team Lead, Warehousing and Distribution. Carry out spot-checks during the LMDs (using routing plans, in the case of non-DDIC LMDs and trucking schedule, in the case of DDIC delivery runs): collate and report all non-conformances or adverse report (some of which bother on suspicion of fraud, commodity loss, by proxy delivery, lagging delivery times, use of non-compliant vehicles, etc.) concerning 3PL performance to the Phase team lead and the SCbD Abuja Team Lead, Contracting and Operations Management.
Provide status report for all projects commodities warehoused in government central medical stores to the Team Lead, Warehousing and Distribution.
Take receipt of local/international shipments designated for direct delivery to the states: official receipt of commodities (malaria medicines, rapid diagnostic tests and long lasting insecticidal nets, LLINs) into the state CMSs or any other designated warehouse or storage location in the state and submitting the receipt reports (ensuring that all stock transactions are documented accordingly) to the Team Lead, Warehousing and Distribution.
Conduct monthly physical counts and scheduled cycle counts of all commodities in the state CMSs or any other designated warehouse or storage location in the state, reconcile stocks and monitor all stock transactions (for malaria medicines, rapid diagnostic tests and long lasting insecticidal nets. LLINs & other commodities as may be required) i.e. receipts, issues, adjustments, etc,
For malaria commodities, shall report all malaria stock transactions using the Malaria Commodities Inventory Control Systems (MCICS) tool.
Ensure that the activities of 4PL on warehousing and distribution for the respective phases are in line with agreed standards.
Facilitate complete and accurate documentation on PODs, SRVs/SlVs/RIRVs, etc. during LMDs and interstate/long hauls and sign the relevant documentation. Follow up to ascertain the quantities delivered to ensure it is in line with the expected.
Facilitate transfer of skills and knowledge to appropriate SMOH staff through mentoring and on-the-job training.
Inspect identified warehouses for use in warehousing commodities especially when such is required.
Monitoring and planning warehouse requirement for in-bound shipments.
Perform other duties as assigned.
Skills/Knowledge Required
Applicants for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications:
First degree or its equivalent in Social Sciences, Public health, Management and any other related discipline,
1-2 years’ experience in supply chain operations (warehousing and distribution) of health commodities
Ability to monitor, supervise and provide support to 3PLs on warehousing and distribution of health commodities.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills,
Able to work as part of a team, self-motivated and self-managing.
Above average IT skills; knowledge of Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and inventory management software (m-Supply, e-Stock Card etc.)

Job Title: Logistics Consultant - Strategy and Demand Planning

Location: Abuja

Key Responsibilities
To lead the implementation of mass distribution campaigns for long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in selected States and routine distribution in 11PMI focus states in Nigeria, including engagement with senior Government officials at the National and State levels on modalities for the full implementation of all aspects of the Campaign exercise and routine distribution of LLINs.
To facilitate the development, and review of mass LLINs Campaign budgets, implementation plan, execution, monitoring and reporting on the campaign exercise in line with the approved protocols by NMEP, USAIDIPMI and other stakeholders.
Support in the development of LLINs technical strategies in-country and provide technical assistance to NMEP and Roll Back Malaria Partners,
Support coordination activities including participations in meetings with the GON and PMI IPs to develop and implement supply chain strategies and provide appropriate non-duplicative services that will ensure reliable procurement and distribution of essential malaria medicines and related commodities.
Work closely with JSI Nigeria management and country project leadership in managing relationships and maintaining routine communications with NMEP, PMI partners, and all other related stakeholders to support the integration of various technical areas of the project and making the most effective and efficient use of project resources.
To assist in the coordination and harmonization of team efforts in program execution, management, supervision as well as provide technical input into design and implementation or assessments of routine malaria commodity supply chains.
To provide adequate support towards the strengthening of the MCLS tool for the generation of quality, reliable and acceptable data that will inform programmatic decisions.
Participates in developing training curricula far health commodities management at the state and health facilities and in training Federal &, state-level malaria control program and logistics officers implementing and monitoring adherence lathe Standard Operating Procedures.
Work with other advisors and short term technical assistance (STTA) to support annual national quantification and procurement planning for health commodities supported by the project, as well as facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate staff.
To facilitate planning and implementation of operations research and knowledge management efforts relating to health commodities by JSI.
Any other duties as may be assigned.
Skills/Knowledge Required
Applicants for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications:
An advanced clinical degree or a Master’s degree in Public Health, Pharmacy, Logistics Management with 5-7years of professional experience in Health program, preferably in health care supply chain management or.
A clinical first degree in Public Health, Pharmacy, Logistics management with over 7years of professional experience in Health program, preferably in health care supply chain management.
Previous experience leading LLINs Campaigns within States in Nigeria strongly desired.
Multi-skilled with experience in Malaria, HI V/AIDS, or TB program strongly desired.
Proven experience in managing public health programs or projects -in developing country will be an added advantage.
Demonstrated ability to monitor, supervise arid build capacity in health service programs.
Extensive knowledge of the Nigeria Public Health sector.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills,
Excellent technical writing and oral presentation skills highly desired.
A proven ability to work as part of a team and to be self-managing.
Knowledge of Microsoft office including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Ability and willingness to travel to various part of the country.

Job Title: Logistics Advisor - Strategy and Demand Planning

Location: Abuja

Key Responsibilities
Support Federal Ministry of Health, implementing partners and other stakeholders to agree on assumptions that will support forecast and supply plan for health commodities.
Quarterly update of national supply plans for health commodities to inform procurement decisions by the donors, funding projections by the project and estimate of funding gaps required to inform continuously availability of products for health service delivery based on currently available information.
Work with the appropriate stakeholders (NMEP, USAID, other Ps, State RBM program etc.) to determine the quantity of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) required for routine LLINs distribution and LLIN campaigns
Support the microplanning activities for LLINs campaigns and provide full scale support for the implementation of the actual campaign activities in identified States.
Development/update review appropriate documents required by home office to support procurement e.g. PPMR, CPIR, TOR etc. and liaise with appropriate units for commodity procurement.
Work with JSl Nigeria Procurement unit to manage clients expectations, needs and to monitor commodities supply plan.
Monitor procurement of commodities, and routinely review last mile delivery requirements vis-a-vis available stock and expected shipments to inform shipment rescheduling as may be indicated.
Coordinate routine resupplies of health commodities to partners to ensure uninterrupted supply of health commodities for program activities.
Monitor stock of health commodities in various warehouses in the country for prompt supply plan update.
Procurement planning and coordination of virtual stock management across all the warehouses.
Coordinate timely submission of bi-monthly stock status report update based on the available logistics data in collaboration with M&E Field Program Management and Supply Chain Operations teams.
Provide technical support to the State Logistics Management Coordinating Units (LMCU) on development of Quarterly Stock Status Report and other supply chain reports that will guide decision making by senior government functionaries.
Update and submit quarterly commodities financial forecast to SCMS Nigeria management to support Global SCMS procurement decisions.
Provide technical support to PSM TWGs on supply chain activities to ensure continuous availability of needed health products.
Support capacity building activities on commodity forecasting and supply planning for Government of Nigeria counterparts and implementing partners.
Work with other advisors and short-term technical assistance (STTA) providers to provide required TA for activities and also facilitate transfer of skills to appropriate staff.
Contribute to identifying best practices and success stories for JSI Nigeria’s periodic logistics bulletin, national and international conferences.
Any other duties assigned.
Skills/Knowledge Required
Applicants for this position should possess the following minimum qualifications:
A Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy, Public Health, Medical Lab science, Logistics Management, Business Administration or equivalent.
Three to five years of professional experience in health programs, preferably in an international health care supply chain management environment.
Specific experience in HIV/AIDS, TB, FP, MNCH or Malaria programs strongly desired.
Demonstrated ability to monitor, supervise, and train in health supply chain programs.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills,
Excellent technical writing and oral presentation skills highly desired.
A proven ability to work as part of a team and to be self-managing.
Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, ‘and PowerPoint is required.
Demonstrated ability to use forecasting and supply planning software (e.g Quantimed and Pipeline) is highly desired.
Ability and willingness to travel in the field.

Salary commensurate with experience and salary history. JSI offer excellent benefits.

Application Procedure
Interested and qualified candidates should send their resume and cover letter stating their suitability for the position as a document while indicating the position being applied as the subject of their email to:

Vacancies In A Cement Company

Stresert Services Limited - Our client into Cement manufacturing and concrete mix production, is currently recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Procurement/Buyer Manager

Job ref: Buyer Mgr
Location: Lagos

B.Sc in Engineering
At least 7 years' experience in Engineering/Operational background
Minimum of 4 years in strategic procurement role (category management, sourcing) with exposure to supply-chain management, complex strategic sourcing and optimal procurement processes and standards.
Competency Requirements
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Proven ability in analysis and interpretation of data.
Ability to work with cross-functional teams and build relationships across multiple functions, countries, regions, and cultures
Strong leadership capabilities
Organising, planning, and negotiation skills
Interpersonal skill.
Salary range is 7,000, 000 - 9, 000, 000/annum.

Job Title: Logistics Planning Manager

Job Ref: Logistics Planning
Location: Lagos

B.Sc in Supply Chain or Business Administration
At least 8 years’ experience in Distribution Planning
Competency Requirements:
Business oriented and customer focus
Strong knowledge of production planning, inventory management, sales forecasting, and advance planning system.
Ability to identify planning improvements managing change and delivering quantifiable improvements.
Highly computer literate in MS Office applications with experience in using an ERP system eg. JDE or SAP
Thinking analytical problem solving skills
Active listening skills and high stress tolerance level
Strong leadership capabilities
Organising, planning, and negotiation skills
Interpersonal skill.
Salary range is 7,000,000 - 9,000,000/annum

Job Title: Customer Relationship Manager

Job Ref: CRM
Location: Lagos

B.Sc in any Social Science course
7 Years experience in Customer Service Management
At least 3 years leading a Call Centre Operations
Competency Requirements:
In-depth knowledge of customer service policies and practices
Proficiency in CRM system MS Office applications
Thinking analytical problem solving skills
Active listening skills and high stress tolerance level
Strong leadership capabilities
Organising, planning, and negotiation skills
Interpersonal skill
Salary range is 7,000, 000 - 9, 000, 000/annum

Application Procedure
Qualified and interested candidates should forward their CV's to: using the job title eg: 'Buyer Mgr' as subject of mail.

Job At Hobark International Limited

Hobark International Limited (HIL) is an Integrated Services Company whose subsidiaries: DrillPet International Limited (DIL), Uniterm Nigeria Limited (UNL), UltiProc Nigeria Limited (UPNL), Hobark Consultant Management Services (HCMS) and Gigasec- provide Manpower Services &
Logistics Support, Drilling Operations and Consultancy Services, On/OffShore Catering Services, Drilling Rigs & Drilling Bits and Procurement Services to the Oil & Gas Industry. IP security services.

Hobark International Limited (HIL) is recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Administrator/ Document Controller

Req ID: 0940
Location: Lagos

Administrator/Document Controller activities:
Manage office systems, communication and general correspondence
Manage missions and trips
Set up and manage archive system and library for LDF
Provide periodic review of LDF documentation to ensure consistency
Act as IST Correspondent for LDF
Act as CMS Correspondent for LDF
Maintain schedules and calendars
Enroll and induct new staff
Set up dedicated paper and electronic filing system
Key Requirements
Bachelors degree in social sciences
Minimum 2 years experience in document control and office administration
Fluent in spoken and written English
Primary Skills:
Good experience in Managing office systems, communication and general correspondence

Click here to apply

MTN Is Hiring Government Relations Manager

MTN Nigeria - The leader in telecommunications in Nigeria, and a part of a diverse community in Africa and the Middle East, our brand is instantly recognisable.
It is through our compelling brand that we are able to attract the right talents who we carefully nurture by continuously improving our employment offerings even beyond reward and recognition.

MTN Nigeria recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: Government Relations Manager

Location: Abuja

Job Descriptions
Extract value from what we already have by focusing on optimizing processes within the Unit/Department in line with the value creation philosophy.- This includes individual contributions and recommendations to improve existing business project/initiative, capital/budget efficiency activities within the Unit, contracts review and negotiation in collaboration with the Procurement team, structural changes within the Unit etc.
Drive Innovation by identifying and taking advantage of new business opportunities, e.g., by stimulating and encouraging new business opportunities, launch of products, product/process innovation, business model innovation etc.
Maintain a strong ethical relationship between MTN Nigeria and relevant institutions/ bodies with a view to ensure the long term viability of the business.
Observe the business, political and regulatory environment closely and provide advisory and logistics support to all functions across the business.
Carry out research, provide detailed policy analysis, identify regional vulnerabilities and recommend due mitigation.
Conduct regular political audits and provide periodic intelligence reports, political audits and proactive feedback on emerging issues, developments and trends.
Provide advisory support to the SM, Government Relations on key government matters especially as it relates to the telecoms industry to all business functions
Provide Management across all divisions with insights on national and regional Government legislation policy to accommodate current and future business initiatives.
Maintain leadership in the ICT/Digital industry by influencing stakeholders within your immediate ecosystem for MTNN's benefit. This includes participation in credible external think-tank sessions, involvement in inter-divisional focus Group sessions to improve business performance etc.
Enhance/expand MTN’s role in the larger national macro environment by participating in CSR projects and/or NGO's, involvement in recognized professional institutions, think-tank activities etc.
Role model the vital behaviours needed to sustain organisational performance and drive people management activities by being the principal coach for your direct reports using the people management framework. Participate in employee engagement projects such as mentorship, facilitating programs, etc. In addition, support recruitment, on boarding and grievance management processes etc.
Support the development of a company-wide government relations strategy in alignment with MTN Nigeria's business direction.
Maintain effective corporate relationship with key stakeholders and decision makers in the executive and legislative arms of government as well as Government Agencies to effectively channel the goals and desires of MTNN.
Job Condition
Standard MTNN working conditions
Job is based in FCT (Abuja)
Experience & Training

Minimum of 3 years post-degree / Masters advantageous
Fluent in English and language of country preferable
Effective stakeholder relationship management experience in a telecoms regulatory environment
Strong and effective business communication/negotiation/influencing skills (verbal and writing skills)
Relevant Degree
Minimum of 3 years’ experience in an area of specialization (government relations and/or stakeholder engagement function/activity) with experience in supervising/managing others
On-the-job training
Courses, Seminars, Conferences and workshops in Government Relations and Stakeholder Engagement
Management Development Program
Effective Management and Leadership
Minimum Qualification

Click the link below to apply:

Application Deadline  22nd February, 2016.